Social Technology Enterprise with Purpose (STEP)
Intro to class, what I wanted to gain, what was the project about (possibly the intro presentation), what was I hoping for, how did it end.
- Explain about different interviews/process we took to understand the users (3~4 interviews for sprint 1)
- Idea Synthesis and Co-designing on sprint 2, about 2 interviews.
Ideating Session with the whole class (include the picture)
- research on buttons, multiple prototypes to check the feasibility. Interview with the physical prototypes (2 interviews)
iOS App Development
- Explain what was the purpose of the app dev, why I joined the app team.
- Explain that I started with the news reader development while other team did routing.
- Defining key features of the app and process of becoming the integration person for the team. Explain the experience I had by trying to integrate all different people’s work to a single work - making map view and also using API to create another news reader
- Finishing the first version of the app and demoing - the step video me showing the gesture control, the video we took before the demo to explain our work (rishita)
- Added music control
- User interview, getting the real feedback and start working on that. (add gesture speech, make it more voice over like)
- Fixing the bug that made it not work in the locked screen.
- Re-struturing and integrating the app again so that it is actually hands-free. Add videos I took before the demo day for explanation
- demo day - videos that sam posted in general, using the app with 3~4 different devices.
- Changing the interaction more user friendly (more direct)
- Last minute bug fixes and changes.
How was my learning experience? What did I feel about STEP?
Future Works
Talk about my AHS Capstone